The heartbeat of LoveOrange, and its various initiatives, was crafted specifically to facilitate the Christ following churches of Orange to come together to love this city to wholeness as they partner and work alongside the civic and educational leadership as well as the marketplace.

As Christ Followers seeking to make a difference in this world, our highest vision and goal is to know God and to partner with Him in the advancement of His kingdom on this earth through prayer and social works of justice. Prayer is the firm foundation upon which all we do is built and without it, we limit the work of God. Prayer is our lifeline of communication and relationship with God.


Contact us for more:

Pastor's Prayer Gathering. Join us on the 1st Thursday of each month, at 8:30 am, to pray for our city and community. Contact us for location details.

Cedar House.  A neutral space to train and equip God’s people in prayer, walking in the Spirit, worship and the arts. Cedar House Info

National Day of Prayer. It's an annual observance held on the first Thursday in May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. National Day of Prayer website.

Seek Week. Every November, churches across different cities in Orange County come together in united worship & prayer. Seek Week Info

International Peace Flame. Join us December 22 at the Nativity in the Plaza in Old Towne Orange to see the Peace Flame! You'll hear the history of the Peace Flame and have an opportunity to take the flame home with you so make sure to bring a lantern!